July 2, 2012


So I’m a trainer, as most of you know. And it’s some serious work. I’m not gonna lie, its pretty hard for me. But it’s going to be an incredible learning experience. The kid I’m training is Elder Stewart, he is from Spanish fork Utah, we have absolutely nothing in common other then we are from Utah. So its gonna be an interesting 6 weeks...he’s a good kid though. So my other companion Elder Romer is now a zone leader in London, that didn’t surprise be because he’s just brilliant. So my zone leader (elder sima) and I drove together to the London temple to pick up out new companions. We took a few pictures and we were off. While we were at the temple I actually saw one of my high school buddies Elder Josh Smith, he is a greenie as well, and I was hoping I was going to train him so badly! But nope. So sad. We were so close! But he was extremely happy to see me! Haha and I was extremely happy to see him as well! Haha it was cool! After that we headed on back to the south west of the UK. Elder Stewart and I didn’t get home till 1:00am... we also had to take some sister missionaries down to there new area. It was a long drive with the sisters. They were so loud... haha i was driving the whole time and i was just about to drive us into a wall because the sisters were so hyper. Haha it was great though.... that morning we got to sleep in, so that made up for all the annoyingness.. :)
So since elder steward and I have been here together we have given out at least one book of Mormon a day! So that’s awesome! In the last 4 days we've given out 6! That’s really good for how slow everything has been down here! Its good!
So yeah I’m trying to learn how to train and help this guy out as much as I can! And he’s helping me out as well! The work is hard, but I’m still climbing the latter! :)

Cheers! Hope all is well! I love you all!
Ps: I’m sorry if I couldn’t email some of you back…I had no time. I’m so sorry!

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