My Family!!
So hopefully you’ll get these pictures I sent you! haha there was 30 more that I wanted to send but it takes so long to download... so I just got to my mission down here in Helston England and its pretty much farmland. It’s great! People are ruder than ever!! My very first door I knocked was a lime green house! kinda... it had a lime green gate and lime green lining on the top thing.. If you got all my pictures you’ll know what I’m talking about... haha but yeah that was my first door! Cool huh!! haha anyways we knocked on like 40 doors that day.. and they all slammed there doors on our faces.. but there was this one lady that we visited, and she was Christian and wanted to know more about our church, but she told us she would never get baptized, she just wanted to know more about our church that was all. Well before I got here the previous missionaries had a couple of visits with that lady, her name is sue. She didn’t ever accept a book of Mormon when they visited her. But when I visited her we got talking, and my companion tried to get her to accept a book of Mormon and read a little bit of it at least, sue said NO. She had her own beliefs, and she just wanted to talk to us that was all... that whole time we were there i was pretty much dead silent, cause i was scared.. And after she rejected the book of Mormon I just felt like I should say something to her about my experience with the book of Mormon. so I just started talking when there was a awkward silence and I just started testifying about the book of Mormon, and while I was taking to her we where making eye contact the whole time I was talking, her eyes started to water as did mine.. Haha I just told her how the book of Mormon blessed my life and how it’s changed my life and how it can change hers. And I promised her if she read the book of Mormon and prayed with a sincere heart, with real intent, and having faith in Jesus Christ, that he will manifest the truth unto you. (moroni 10 3-5) :) so yeah it was cool! And right when I was done she ACCEPTED! And she promised that she would read and pray and we can come back this Friday! It was sweet! It was my first time going in someone's house in England! Haha what an experience! So that’s all I have time for.. So keep emailin me and stuff! :)
Elder J. Keller

I LOVE Elder Keller! You're awesome little bud!! We love you!!