Ello everyone!
This will be a short email for once...So this week was different. Monday we had a Zone p-day and it was actually fun! We played football and these weird games that the sisters came up with. It was interesting. We had a zone pday because we were all going up to the temple! For us in Helston it was a 6 hour drive. It was so long. We planned to go -up there because it was President Shamos last week since he's going home. It was a great conference, but I didn't really know president that well, so it wasn't that sad for me to say goodbye to him. So we went through the Temple and it was wonderful as usual! I LOVE being in the House of the Lord! It's so wonderful! I learn something knew every time I go there. It was a little difficult because I've been really sick the first few days of this last week, so during the session I was dying cause I wasn't feeling well, but somehow I learned a few things! HA HA. While we were up there I met alot of missionaries that I haven't met before. I got to know a lot of them and they all asked me where I'm from, blah blah blah, and what area I'm from, I told them Helston...When they heard that I was a greenie in Helston they all said "Really? all greenies that served in Helston later became either a Zone leader or an A.P." haha I was like oh! well I'll be the first greenie out of Helston that won't be one of those leaders! Haha so yeah, a lot of pressure is on me to become a zone leader or an A.P!
So when we got home from London, I had to stay in bed for a couple days. I was very ill and had a really bad cold, headaches, etc. So I chilled for a couple days. I wasn't too happy, but I'm back and knocking now like a normal healthy missionary!
This week we were visiting a member, and we had only been in her living room for about 5 minutes talking to her, and all of the sudden someone walked in her front door. It was her nephew and he walked in holding this rubbish bag and in it looked like a rifle or something. He reached in the bag and pulled out the OLYMPIC TOURCH!! He was one of the runners and he ran through Penzance! It was a real one! It was way cool and I even got to hold it! So I feel pretty satisfied from the last time I had an opportunity to hold the tourch a few weeks ago. I got a few pictures with it, itt was great!
Yesterday I had to say goodbye to one of our zone leaders, Elder Carter, is one of my favorite missionaries. He's such a stud! He's going home back to Cali, I'll miss him! I tried making german pancakes again, and I failed as you can see from that picture I sent you, I dont know what I did wrong, but it tasted like rubbish. So mom will have to help me out!
MOVES are this Wednesday!! I'm super pumped to get a new comp! I'm so ready to lead this area and I have a car and the best area in all the U.K.!! So hopefully I'll get a comp that is a little more sporty like, cause I want to have conversations about sports instead of Switzerland and boring stuff, haha no I love Elder Romer. He trained me well.
I LOVE YOU ALL!! Hope all is well! I'm having a blast!
Cheers! :)